Where minds media and technologies meet

MindLabs was asked and responded to how people react to technology and if our behaviour can influence technology. It is an initiative for Tilburg University, Fontys University, ROC Tilburg, the Persgroep, the province of North Brabant and the city of Tilburg. A breeding ground for innovation and entrepreneurship in the heart of the Spoorzone. Education, government and business life make concrete mutual innovation projects possible. Technologies from artificial intelligence are central, such as robotics and avatars, mixed and virtual reality, serious gaming, natural language and data technologies

Tech for the mind, body and soul


In the spring of 2021, the former Hall 70 in the Tilburg Spoorzone in the centre of Tilburg gets a new purpose. Fontys University Journalism, Tilburg University, ROC Tilburg and the media company the Persgroep will move into the new building to work, teach and create something beautiful together. But even now they are achieving lovely results from the Deprez building, even in the Spoorzone. Read more about this in the Fontys digital magazine.

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